Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Craft: Little Hands & Feet

, ar

I've been wanting to make these since Baby V was born! We had a hard time trying to get nice stamps of his hands and feet but these clay keepsakes are so much better!

  • White clay
  • A circular cookie cutter or other object (we actually used a round tupperware)
  • Plastic wrap
  • A small round tool to cut out ribbon hole (we used a plastic straw)
  • Rolling pin
  • Rip off a chunk of clay and work between your hands until very pliable
  • Roll clay in between layers of plastic wrap with a rolling pin (this prevents clay from sticking to rolling pin) until it reaches about a 1/8" or 1/4" thickness (I found that a little bit thicker made it easier for printing)
  • Using cookie cutter, cut out a circle from the clay
  • Place clay circle back on plastic wrap and put on hard surface
  • Bring baby's hand or foot over clay and press gently but firmly into clay (best done while baby is sleeping!)
  • Use straw to pierce smaller hole at top of circle
  • Bake per manufacterer's instructions
  • Leave plain white or fill in print with paint or paint name and date around outside of print
  • Hand on wall or place on shelf and enjoy!


  1. I love loooove your blog Jillie! Keep it comin :)

  2. Cute project! I'll have to try this out with my little peanut :)


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